Monday, June 13, 2005

Hello Chicago

The US Bishops are meeting in Chicago this week. Today, the Rainbow Sash Movement issued a statement in support of a protest and press conference planned for this Thursday to coincide with the conference:
The Rainbow Sash Movement supports and calls others of good will both Catholic and Non Catholic, straight and GLBT to join the Gay Liberation Network Protest on June 16, 2005, 8 to 9Am at the Fairmont Hotel located at 200 N. Columbus Drive. A joint Press Conference will follow at 9AM in front of the Fairmont Hotel.
On Pentecost Sunday, Rainbow Sash Movement members were denied communion in Chicago. I hope they receive a much warmer welcome this week.

The statement echoes some of my thoughts of the week:
The Catholic hierarchy should look in the mirror, they offended God as greatly as any priest by seeking first to ignore the clergy sexual abuse problem, then to shuffle pedophiles around, finally to buy the silence of their victims with payouts contingent on not discussing their cases. This is unworthy of the soldiers of Christ, who Himself expelled money-lenders from His place of worship. The Bishops only bring more shame to the church with their campaign of hate against the GLBT community. Compassion curdles into self-righteous zealotry. The Bishops are in no place to judge others; they lack any credible moral authority to do so. We continue to call for dialogue.
If you're in Chicago on Thursday and want to lend your support, I hope you'll stop by. Me? I'll be there in spirit.


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