Sunday, July 24, 2005

No (More) Excuses

Now, I'll confess. I didn't make it to mass while on vacation. (Gasp!)
Maybe next time, though, thanks to this online mass schedule.

Designed with traveling Catholics in mind, you simply enter the country, state, city, zip code or phone number of the locale you're visiting. Up pops a list of names, addresses and phone numbers of nearby Catholic churches and the mass schedule for each. There are links to maps to help you get to the selection of your choice.

If your vacation plans have taken you to Disneyland today, it looks like St. Boniface is nearby. The last mass is at 7PM!

Bookmark it on your laptop, and you'll be all set. Unless, of course, you just happen to leave your laptop at home....

Thanks to Dave at Catholic Report for the helpful link.


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