Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Merry Mish-Mash

I've heard all the hullaboo about retailers requiring sales clerks to replace "Merry Christmas" with "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons Greetings." Heck, it seems even America's First Family avoided the hub-bub by sending a White House "Holiday" Card.

All good fodder for debate, I suppose. But, this takes secularization of the upcoming holidays to a new level.

Happy Chrismukkah! That's the wish for us all from a faithless religious movement called Universism. Before you learn more about this mish-mash holiday, you might want to know a bit about the Universist Movement.
The Universist Movement is an international nonprofit organization focused on individual wellbeing, social progress, personal responsibility and the promotion of existential questioning.
I just love existential questioning! I spent hours practicing it in college. Then, one day, I had to get a job.

Now, more about this faithless holiday, from it's very own site.
Chrismukkah is the way millions of people experience the December holidays together... with elements of both Christmas and Hanukkah. While you won't find Chrismukkah on the calendar, it's as real as you make it. Chrismukkah is Santa Claus and Hanukkah Harry sitting down at the bar together after a long night's schlep with a Christmas ale and a He'Brew beer. Chrismukkah is a celebration of what we have in common, not what makes us different. Chrismukkah is a state of mind for the season... a multi-cultural, mish-mash of the cherished holiday rituals we grew up with. Chrismukkah is a way intermarried families of Christians and Jews can share the holidays. Chrismukkah has no dogma or rules. It's customizable to suit the individual celebrant and their extended family. Chrismukkah is a global gumbo of flavors from all the December holidays: Christmas, Hanukkah, Winter Solstice, Kwanzaa, Shabe Yalda, Bodhi Day... even Festivus.
Uh huh... I have just one question. If it's not on the calendar, exactly how many shopping days 'til Chrismukkah?


At 6:58 AM, December 14, 2005, Blogger Talmida said...

LOL, my kids talk about this -- wasn't it on "The O.C." last year? I don't watch it.

Still. Mixing the holidays? Naw, that's just wrong. But celebrating them ALL -- that might work.


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