Wasting Valuable Time

I've found a lot of ways to waste valuable time with my computer.
(Check the archives...they include links to many of them.)
The latest is an ingenious innovation by the good folks at Google.
The Google Image Labeler makes the drudgery of labeling pictures into a game you can play with others.
I can just imagine the meeting in Silicon Valley when someone at Google said, "We have all these images...how will we ever label them all?" And, a co-worker said, "let's put people to work on it...for free." Their conclusion: "Let's make a game."
With a few clicks you can find yourself in competition with a virtual stranger as you race to label pictures of animals, landscapes and snapshots of famous and infamous people.
Sounds crazy, doesn't it?
Well, check it out.
I'll warn you. It's surprisingly addictive.